Monday, March 30, 2009


One thing I really don't understand is what can you do if a feeling keeps building and building toward actions that you know are unhealthy or that you will regret? It seems like the only way to make that feeling go away is to give in and act on it, and then you feel relief, regret, remorse, but primarily relief. For a time, anyway, and then the cycle starts all over again. I really don't know what people are supposed to do about things like this. Must discuss with therapist.

I titled this blog "Chivalry" because of an altercation that occurred between myself and a man who were vying for a cab on the LES on Saturday night. Michelle and I were trying to decide whether to get one or not, then we saw one pull up and let some people out, so I said let's go. As the people were getting out, this guy came up to me, a regular button-up shirt and jeans, straight-type guy, and goes, "I was actually waiting for that cab." I said, "Yeah? So were we." And he said, "That's like really ignorant of you though, because I was waiting first." And I said, "Whatever dude!" And we hopped in the cab. Then, quite suprisingly, the guy smashed his fist against our window! What an asshole.

It's actually kind of nice to be at work this morning. It's very safe here.

1 comment:

  1. it was actually his fistS (plural)! the cabbie was on our side. and hells ya, for once work ain't so bad.
