This morning on the train I was listening to the latest VNV Nation album and specifically the song "Nemesis." It totally makes me start to imagine a Michael Jackson type video video having to do with the apocalypse. It's all different groups of people doing a tribal type march/dance together, coming over the hill or across the field, under the sun or the moon, and worshiping the return of God to earth and the final, long-awaited (millions of years) judgement day and justice. The races march separately and together. The female warriors do their own dance too, and I'm in that group. I don't mean warriors in a spear/machete type way, necessarily, but warriors of the mind and heart also. All the sapphic females are in this group. (Here imagine the Lezzies on X song might play "here come the lesbians, here come the lesbians, watch out better beware" haha). So, lately I have been feeling this new love for people on the train. In the past, more often, I felt hate and annoyance. I only felt love for the very poor or sick or those in obvious pain (but not anyone who smells bad, although I have technical compassion for them too). Regular people, especially regular ladies in fake or real designer purses and wearing whatever is commonly stylish, disgusted me. I even felt offended in some way. When I felt love, grief, or despair on the train, or any combination thereof, I might start to cry. I still do that occasionally, but more often now I feel a surging power and energy. I also feel increasingly connected to more people and make some fast eye contact and feel those eyes interested in me also. I feel that our eyes communicate, and perhaps we share a secret, in that we're both looking out and not obsessed with ourselves for that moment. Naturally it starts with the self. And I have been thinking a lot about love lately, or the strings that unite everyone and how to feel them. Because love is really the only power "the people" have. We feel ourselves as separate and are only concerned with our personal interests, and that's what keeps "us" down.
Obviously, the presidential election is upon us. Do I care? Or am I another apathetic do-nothing?? Guess what, I am a fucking apathetic do-nothing and I'm not ashamed of it either! Because it is the direct result of a pointless voting system! If you put a rat in a torture situation where it tries to escape but escape is impossible, it becomes depressed and gives up! You can't force someone to care about something that they know from experience and observation is a charade! All societies, everywhere, have been ruled by the elite whose riches and power are taken from the poor masses. America has a few great values: separation of church and state is one and freedom of speech is another. Whether or not they exist in reality to the fullest extent is a different question, but as values per say they are noble. Still, there will always be poor masses, and they will work hard their whole lives to support the lifestyles of those they VOTE FOR, if they vote. That's if they can even figure out HOW to vote. I, for one, am very confused and don't even know if I'm registered. I tried to figure this out online and it was almost impossible. And I'm literate and somewhat educated! They say you can register at the post office, but who wants to go there! (And during the workday or Saturday morning, when it's open)? Everybody knows the post office sucks. Why don't people get a registration form in the mail? But anyways, even if someone actually has the personal incentive to make sure they're registered and they actually go to a booth on voting day, there's the nasty secret that the popular vote doesn't even count. Now people have tried to explain the electoral college to me, and whenever I hear the words "electoral college," my brain tunes it out and I start thinking about something else.
And maybe the popular vote shouldn't count because the majority of people (like me) are just going to vote according to 1.) what party their parents voted 2.) what they saw on TV and 3.) their monetary interests.
But finally, even if we (the people) were allowed to pick the president by popular vote, one has to wonder how much real power any president truly has? Or is it the corporations and rich and/or military elite who wield the real power? I personally hope Obama wins the democratic nomination because I'm one of the idealistic "youth" who wants to see significant change in our country, for the better and for "the people". However, I keep saying this as a joke but I believe it: if he's real about what he says and is actually able to start making changes at the top, he will be assassinated. That is how it always goes, based on history.
I was wondering on the train this morning, how is it that all the millions and billions of people, workers, poor people, the working poor, all the disenfranchised, all the oppressed, don't join together? How does a small group (the elite) keep the masses down, universally and as a rule? And what inspires and drives effective resistance and the overthrow of oppressive governing power? Granted, not a new thought or new questions, others have wondered and also answered or tried to answer. My answer: it's a matter of not letting daily worries and financial cares trample and consume us, focusing rather on God and one's personal relationship to God... In short, the soul is infinitely more important than any and all material concerns. Be ready to die for love, and not like Romeo and Juliet, but like Gandhi, or like Jesus Christ, King of The Jews.
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