Last night we watched the fireworks on TV. What a perfectly horrible and fitting way for America to celebrate what she's all about: waste a lot of money, blow some shit up, and harm the environment, meanwhile huge crowds of simple-brained crowds (holding all those terrifying minature flags, singing the anthem, and pledging allegiance to capitalism) go ooh and aah. And even more perfect, we watch it on TV. Sometimes I become anxious about TV watching in general. How weird is it for a group of people to just sit around staring at a screen? Of course, we weren't really watching, we were playing cards and listening to music, which I think is a great way to spend an evening. I really like cards.
The band: it just occured to me today that probably even less people will be at our next show. I can't get all my friends to come every time, and I can't ask people I don't know. I wish by some crazy miracle they would just be there, twenty people and I'd be happy. Or would I??? No, I would not because I'm never happy and nothing will ever be good enough for me if it involves something I did.
my thoughts on the fireworks are very similar and conceptually i find the whole thing just about as odd as you do... however, im not sure how much money the city actually spends on them, because macy's gets the bill, no? even still, take them, their name is usually emblazoned all over the entire thing, so what kind of gift is that? well thought out advertising more like it.