It's me in the New Balance! Well Mischa has, among her twenty five thousand pairs of well loved sneakers, a few pairs of NB too, but unfortunately her feet are one half size smaller so there will be no sharing of the shoes. Lately I have been overcome with urges to shop for her even though I usually hate shopping, but it's fun when you are imagining outfits on such a slammin' body. What can I say about her beauty except that I believe God created and molded her long skinny legs, angelic shoulders, arms, flat little tummy (yes flat, Mischa), and 34Cs especially for me?

Here's where Misch and I make out even though her parents are in the next room and once her mom brought us christmas cookies but thank god we were sitting upright like normal adult friends although actually normal adult friends don't hang out and "talk" on the bed in the first place. They sit in the kitchen and talk about their stupid kids or jobs or recipes or other boring things. OR worst of all, their husbands. "Oh my John won't be romantic with me at all and he's busy watching football, so I told him off, I was like, and he was like, then I was like, then little Suzy came home and wanted a snack so I was like and she was like and then John was like....."
I really hate the word "like." It makes people sound so ignorant and annoying and makes me hate them. Even though Misch says hating people is just a way for me or anyone to feel safe, I would feel safer if people would never say "like" ever again in my presence.
PS. Last night my friend told me a sad story. This asshole boyfriend of hers called her at 4:30 am from a bar and wanted to come over. He was so drunk he didn't hang up the phone when he got into the cab, and said to the driver, "I'm gonna get some pussy, yeah gotta get some pussy! Pussy!" He really said pussy three times. Instead of calling the police (which I would have done) she let him come over and just lay stiffly on the bed for the rest of the night, not letting him touch her. And in the morning, she passive aggresively avoided his persistent advances. And now she says she doesn't like him, and "won't pursue him, but I'll let him pursue me." What the fuck!? What a fucking asshole loser, he doesn't deserve her time! She's beautiful, smart, talented etc., and all he sees is an object with which to fulfill his animal urges. What a shame, oh well. Women never seem to know how to feel their own worth.
who needs a "normal adult friend" when you can be swooning over a hot and wonderfully complex lady friend? and the latter is meant to occupy time with me while curled up closely in the twin bed. everything gets done from there... talks, makeouts, tv watching, online visits, makeouts, back massages, cuddling, makeouts, sleeping... and that is a horrendous story re: the friend, and is evidence of the argument posed in "stuntin' like my daddy."