" ... He had the unlucky capacity many men, especially Russians, have of seeing and believing in the possiblity of goodness and truth, but of seeing the evil and falsehood of life too clearly to be able to take any serious part in life. Every sphere of activity was, in his eyes, linked with evil and deception. Whatever he tried to be, whatever he engaged in, he always found himself repulsed by this knavery and falsehood, which blocked every path of action. Yet he had to live and to find occupation. It was too awful to be under the burden of these insoluble problems, and so he abandoned himself to the first distraction that offered itself, in order to forget them. He frequented every kind of society, drank much, purchased pictures, built houses, and above all -- read."
" ... Sometimes he remembered having heard how soldiers under fire in the trenches, and having nothing to do, try hard to ind some occupation the more easily to bear the danger. And it seemed to Pierre that all men were like those soldiers, seeking refuge from life: some in ambition, some in cards, some in framing laws, some in women, some in playthings, some in horses, some in politics, some in sport, some in wine, and some in government service. 'Nothing is without consequence, and nothing is important: it's all the same in the end. The thing to do is to save myself from it all as best I can,' thought Pierre. 'Not to see it, that terrible it.' (War and peace)"
it's incredible that i was able to muster up enough focus and concentration to whoop you in gin rummy. maybe it happened so as to symbolize how i must be playing my cards right with you, because ive been able to keep you this long. only in gin, i strategize, and with you, ive shown you what's in my hand. the queen of spades may be worth 30 points but you are the queen of my heart.
ReplyDeletePS Little Tricky Mischa, I know you haven't shown me your whole hand, remember I'm not stupid!!! Plus you definitely stole my Gin Rum strategy. Plus I'm going to demolish you next time. But you are the queen of my heart too, and total -Est of The List, including Best Psycho In Town (another stolen strategy). xooxoxoxox