Obviously, Nixmary is not the only kid to be killed by their mother or stepfather. She happens to have been exceptionally pretty and the murder especially cruel, that is the reason for so much media attention. But I'm like everyone else, I felt both horrified and fascinated when I saw that girl's face on the cover of the Post and the Daily News. So of course I've been following the little segments as they appear in the paper.

The main thing I've noticed so far is the mother's lack of remorse. I can barely write about this without becoming extremely upset. I've talked to several people already and am still unable to detatch for some reason. Actually I've written other blogs about this and still what I really want to do is scream at that dead girl's mother. I have plenty to say about the "justice" system in general of course, but I don't want to focus on that either, because real justice is divine. In this case, Nixzmary's mother has only felt sorry for herself. She complains about the other prison inmates being mean to her, not having visitation rights, having also been abused by the boyfriend/stepfather, having been busy with other children during the time of the murder, and she wanted to plead a lesser charge than Cesar (the boyfriend). I'm not sure if that went through or not though.

NOW ON TOP OF ALL THIS, she is asking that she be allowed a second chance to testify because at the pretrial hearing she was "depressed and suicidal" AND THAT BITCH IS BEING MEDICATED FOR DEPRESSION WHAT THE FUCK? She should be fucking suicidal She should be depressed! Why does she get to numb her feelings with medication???? What is the point of the whole justice system if the inmates are allowed to numb their "bad" feelings and are not forced to suffer TO THE FULLEST INTERNAL EXTENT for their "crimes" i.e sins?? What is the point? If someone is not forced to feel the real, entire scope of their guilt and absolute responsibility, and do not truly repent, they are not changed and are no longer living but walking dead souls, in which case all punative action is null and void. Put her on suicide watch, yes, make sure she lives to feel it, that she was THE MOTHER and that girl was HERS to take care of, not fucking Cesar's, nobody else, HER, she let the girl die, the blood is on HER hands. Depression is not like the flu, not that kind of sickness! Why do they make feelings into a medically treatable condition?? I wish the term "depression" was never invented, so that people could identify and use other terms such as grief and guilt and shame and rage and disappointment.