Saturday, December 20, 2008


What does it mean if salt is a reocurring theme in your life? Lately, I have been craving and eating salty things, and have also recently started using a neti pot, which I love, and it entails rinsing the sinuses with salt water. I think I also dreamed about salt recently. Then, the gentleman in these pictures approached me the other morning, and after talking about pictures for a while he began to tell me about bridges. He said that they must be covered with "steel paint" in order to prevent corrosion by salt in the water. He said that salt corrodes everything practically, except steel. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I know that rivers have fresh not salt water, and he was talking about the bridges around nyc. He mentioned all the types of people who have worked on them over the century, and he said there were built when people used horses and buggies, another fact I'd have to check. I began getting confused, and he talked with increasing excitement and agitation, meanwhile totally violating my personal space. At one point, he accidently spit on my face and my glasses. He apologized, and I realized I was too timid to ask him to please take a step back and respect my physical space. Some people might say I'm not respectful for taking pictures, but he loved it, and no one seems to mind so far. With this man, It felt like another of these spiritual meetings where the crazy person is in tune with truth and other worlds in a way and we are meant to talk... Michelle is so scientific. When I suggest possible past lives, she thinks it's silly. She also said these pictures are kind of boring because she sees that landscape every day. It's beautiful though. This is Gowanus, Brooklyn, near the Smith and 9th F/G train stop. The bridge is truly gorgeous. The morning sky is getting ready to snow for the first time, and signal the beginning of winter.

1 comment:

  1. the neti pot triggered a real enlivening of yr salty preference
