Wednesday, April 16, 2008

1 four, 4 fours, 2 fours

Today should be a very creative today, if numerology means anything, as it is composed of fours 4/16/08. Thus far nothing stands out as being very special. However I did go to the podiatrist this morning and was given a cortizone shot in my foot. I was very afraid but it felt like extreme acupunture, which I have had on that foot. My big toe is still numb.

Yesterday after work I visited my friend at her giant apartment in Kensington, smoked with her, and on the way home became very paranoid and started to sorely regret my impulsive exhibition of self on craigslist via the posting of this blog address. I started to think what if someone really hates me after reading it, or hates homos or anything like that, and decides to kill me and Michelle? Plus as I was looking through some older posts, I found statements that I do not recall making and no longer agree with. According Buddhism there is no me - so it's fine that I'm constantly changing. I have been reading this book about Buddhism at work. It is somewhat comforting, the idea of being detached, as I'm getting worried about losing Michelle again, even though she would say I'm exaggerating.

Sometimes I do or say things that are wrong, and I want to escape judgement but in the end I usually come around and accept responsibility. Which reminds me, the pope has an evil face.

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