Monday, May 28, 2007

what is memorial day for again?

I spent memorial day at coney island with my friends. I learned that the owners of coney island supposedly sold it for a company to build condos or something. That's sad. Also sad, this Sopranos episode where a very beautiful stripper and pros is killed. I just watched it at Maggie's house and keep thinking about it now. I should just go to bed. Tomorrow another long fucking tuesday. I'm having that feeling that I can't accomplish what other people can. All tasks seem very overwhelming, and the future, financially grim. I did accomplish buying some shoes though. Michelle went with me to about six or seven shoe stores in tha past two weeks. I couldn't find one with all three qualities, comfort acceptable appearance and in my size. So the ones I bought were not really as good as I wanted, but I had to settle because it was getting ridiculous, the search. And it hurts for me to walk which makes it all the more emotional.

1 comment:

  1. mishy never had bracesMay 28, 2007 at 9:26 PM

    yet another very cool t-shirt belonging to the girl who alleges she has no quality clothing! .... also it's official, i am watching the very same episode of the sopranos that you watched earlier this evening. the stripper just got her braces and showed them to the big boss, tony, while wearing a shiney silver bathing suit-like outfit. i wont go to sleep before i see her die, no way... i want the scene to impact me the way it did you. want to become just like ( become + just like ) you.
