Monday, May 7, 2007

The lantern

From the time Rostov entered the room her face was transformed. Just as when a light is lit inside a carved and painted lantern, suddenly revealing in unexpected, breath-taking beauty of detail the fine, intricate tracery of its panels, which till then had seemed coarse, dark and meaningless, so was Princess Maria's face suddenly transfigured. For the first time all the pure, spiritual, inward travail in which she had lived till then came out into the open. All her inner searchings of spirit, her sufferings, her striving after goodness, her resignation, her love and self-sacrifice - all this now shone forth in those radiant eyes, in her sweet smile, in every feature of her tender face. (War and Peace, p1126)

1 comment:

  1. never would i have geussed that war and peace could have excerpts so compelling.
