Tuesday, June 19, 2007


This is a commercial for the Nike Free shoes. I just got my first pair, Michelle bought them for me for fifty dollars at a small outlet store in Easthampton, MA. They are fucking great! In fact I think they are the BEST. Because of my foot problem, I am VERY picky about the comfort of shoes. Ironically, I work for a knockoff shoe company that makes the cheapest, heaviest, ugliest shoes out there. Admittedly the knockoffs have two good qualities - one, the plastic will last forever and two, you could use one of these shoes to kill somebody, like a brick. I basically only wear New Balance and Nike Airs at this point. I just bought the NB 990s in black. Michelle thinks they're ugly but I have liked them for a long time. We have somewhat different taste in sneakers, although there are many we both like or dislike. These Nike Frees - I cannot emphasize it thoroughly enough, I really can't, how superior they are to every shoe I've ever worn. They are even more comfortable than the Nike Air boots that I stomped around in all winter. Most shoes stop being comfortable to me after a few weeks, or months at most. I have high hopes for the Frees, but I'm going to buy more just in case. I love them. I am in love. I just walked to the post office and bank and then back to work and the whole time I was walking evenly on both sides!!! I could not feel the bump! My hip was not stabbing me! I could feel both sides of my ass jiggling equally, rather than the left side jiggle and the right side being held stiffly. My back even feels better already. When I got home last night I wore the shoes in the house for a long time, aaaah to be pain free. Imagine the feeling when your menstrual cramps finally subside, that is how I feel right now. Anyways, here's some sprint pics that have nothing to do with this. I just haven't posted Sprint pics in awhile. Mishy, you make me like charity.

1 comment:

  1. i am sooo happy to know that yr feet have felt free lately! maybe you should return the $110 NB when they come and buy two more pairs of the frees. i bet you can buy them on ebay for less than the retailed 80. i dont know why but i had a good feeling about those sneaks! i remember yr initial resistance to visit the store bc youd just bought the NB but something told me this was an opportunity not to be missed.... also i just wanted to note that in this picture, it looks like my shorts are up below my belly button! and they may have been since i was just kickin it alone in the recliner. but maybe it was the angle and contortion. i dont know!
