Thursday, September 11, 2008

Make a fearless moral inventory of yourself

This morning I discovered that the writer of a particular blog I used to follow has been writing again after taking a long break, which inspired me to continue to record my experiences here, rather than delete my entries or simply desist. I have class tonight, after work, until 9:30 or so. Tomorrow, I’m flying to Pittsburgh to meet my nephew. You know, I shouldn’t say that I don’t have any friends. I’ve come to know and feel love for quite a few people in the office where I work, including a special person that I call Jules. We totally have deep conversations every day, and this is a person, among many, that I wouldn’t have had an inclination or reason to converse with outside of this setting. We rode the train back to Brooklyn yesterday evening and discussed a wide range of issues, including how Rupert Murdoch owns Fox and The Post and an entire media empire that is brainwashing and distracting millions of ignorant people into becoming celebrity obsessed, materialistic, conservative, divisive haters. Is it any wonder that on today, September 11th, The Post has a picture of a pig (in lipstick) on its front page, instigating further bitterness and confusion about our presidential candidates? The Daily News, at least, is recognizing the date by having it in large, bold letters on their front page. As I said yesterday, I’m remaining detached from political hopes or opinions. I know one thing, which is that power corrupts. Only an enlightened, spiritual teacher is strong enough to lead without getting addicted to power. I’m talking about people such as Jesus, Buddha, or even Krishnamurti. Knowing that, we can assume that “change” is only possible on an individual level, and true freedom can only ever be spiritual. Barack Obama is not Jesus, however much people might want a savior. The savior is within the individual. That said, I will still vote for O. on November 9th. There is no way in hell I want to see Bush #3 and Margaret Thatcher running things for the next four years. And I find it interesting that the RNP is composed of the richest (few) and poorest (many) white people. How do the poor ones not refuse the fiscally conservative agenda? But actually, I've noticed that the current Republicans leaders are not making fiscally conservative decisions after all. They are also not really representing "small government", as supposed Republicans should. What is this buying of "Fanny and Freddie?" They spend a lot of money and control a lot of shit, including attempts to spy on citizens. They just say "small government" or "free market" to trick the masses into thinking things are the way they are naturally rather than a product of specific decisions about allocation of resources and support. I am a socialist. But the answer to why poor white trash are into voting for millionaires who enjoy the inequality is that they are all brainwashed by the morally conservative Repulican agenda. This is where Margaret Thatcher is especially useful. Hate brings people together and makes them excited and efficient. Nazi Germany is the most obvious example of that phenomenon. The worst part of it all is that they do it in the name of Christianity. They don't understand love, eternity, forgiveness, humility and freedom and those aren't easy things to understand. The world is the same way it was during Jesus’ life, where the political and religious leaders fearfully rejected all of his teachings and used religious dogma to accrue more power. Right now I’m reading The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. The conversation between Pontius Pilate and Jesus that he describes is great. I really like the book, but I must have started it at some other point because I already know certain parts of it.

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