Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Proof of destiny

Since I have made several recent references to destiny in conversation with my friend, and have been asked to elaborate on that concept, today I venture to propose a proof of destiny, or at least an acceptable definition. Although calculations in math have never been my strongest point, I do remember a few concepts, one being Plato's theory (also supported by Aristotle) of infinite divisibility: that as two points approach each other by halves, they may approach to infinity, and will never technically meet. So basically my definition of destiny depends on this theory, in addition to the concept of infinity in general.

Thus said, destiny is the infinite approach, by halves, of the future and the present moment. Does that make sense? Which is to say, the present moment (which is not static but constantly evolving) is the result of the past that includes all the decisions and choices of each person living (on a macro level) and dead (insofar as the results of actions are like dominos and dead people's actions still reverberate although technically they have expired) in addition to natural forces (i.e disaster or nice weather, etc), in short all the factors that have led to present circumstances. Because of said factors, the present reality could not be anything other than what actually is, and this is why radical acceptance is an important exercise for everyone, not just borderlines or other anxious people. And if you accept this fact, you must also concede that the future can only be comprised of the outcome of present decisions, choices, and natural factors. Of course, one wants to insist on the importance of personal choice ... as if things could go one way or the other. The truth is, nobody knows what they will do or say five minutes from the present much less in five years. But the closer the future approaches in relation to the present, the actual range of choices shrinks toward zero. Consider on an individual level, when faced with a decision, a person's capabilities, proclivities, and history all sharpen to a small point and their behavior and method of reasoning are almost shall we say predictable. That doesn't mean one person can't surprise another or even their self, but the outcome is the only possible one, because only one outcome actually follows and is the natural result of the influencing factors as they manifest in the situation.
Any takers? Any questions? Anyone see a flaw in my argument?


  1. so does this mean that the answer to whether you've come into my life for a 'reason, a season, or a lifetime,' has already been determined? and im just living to wait and find out what's already set?

  2. ok i had three final exams in the past 42 hours. this is making my head spin. i need to spark one and then i'll get back to you.

  3. destined to marry mischaDecember 14, 2006 at 12:43 PM

    to kitten: yes we have to wait and find out, but it is fun, isn't it?

    to M: congrats! hope you enjoyed the celebratory event also!
