Wednesday, December 27, 2006
In our mansion there will be many rooms
When Mischa tells me she has to do her paperwork on the weekend, it feels me with such Freudian joy, that is to say it is a direct reminder of my mother. I really haven't even taken that many psychology classes, so my knowledge is random, incomplete, and mostly learned in personal settings, like the living room of my childhood home or my parents' bedroom, where they liked to lecture me about 'no sex before marriage' and 'my body is a temple' etc. As a teenager I was thoroughly annoyed by mom's therapist-talk (especially since she seemed unable to comprehend my normal modes of communication, and still to this day has to "reflect" my statements to verify comprehension, and often reflects incorrectly, and I give up), but after I left home and began attempting to have romantic and sexual relationships, which triggered major major panic and anxiety for me, I started taking some classes and reading a few books. And the rest I suppose I learned off the internet. Anyway, this is so much to say, abnormal psychology and sexuality are linked in my being, and I will never be attracted to normal (boring), healthy people. Of course, they can't be totally busted, or too deep in denial, cause what the fuck can you do with that besides stalk it? So this blog is a visual ode to personality disorders and hotness, and contains a link to an article that my brilliant little Mischa discovered that explores the relationship between borderlines and narcissists:
Well the article delves into various parings, but those particular PDs are the two that interest me the most, obviously because I have traits of both and am attracted to both (can't resist the PTSD either). I come out more strongly on the narcissist side, thank fucking God, but I have been on the reverse (not fun), so really this whole subject is way more complicated than I have the energy to write about here, but these pictures should elaborate in the tiniest way, my meaning.
If you read the article you'll see it contains some advice for couples that have paired according to PD traits, but I have my own advice, and I think Dr. Karam concurs. My theory is not to avoid pairing in such powerful combinations, but to work it out in the bedroom. Well, not the bedroom per say. Technically, in an assortment of rooms. If all goes according to plan, someday we will have a mansion with several rooms dedicated to the treatment of various sicknessness, obsessions, and otherwise titillating neurosis. One room will definitely have padded walls, and Mischa will have to spend all night or even all weekend in there if she misbehaves. Or if I (Dr. Stefano), decide it would be good for her. Or even if she begs in the right way. The room will include restraints, syringes full of harmless or healthy medicine, white coats, latex gloves, and so on and so forth, hey use your own imagination! There will be other rooms also, especially a photography room....hmmmm what else?? What do you think Misch? What do you want? Tell me what you want, I'll do it, I'll get it. When you want it to hurt or when you want it to feel good, say so, if you only want it to feel good that's fine too, you see I'm quite flexible.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
These are pictures of the two paper mills that face each other across the river that is the border between International Falls, U.S., and Canada. The smell is worse than anything I have ever inhaled, worse than mildew, worse than sulfur, bloated tampons, cat shit, really. Maybe it is not objectively worse than those smells, if it was contained in one room or temporary, but it fills the whole sky. It invades your car with the windows closed, you cannot escape it.
Many people in I'Falls and Canada work in the paper mills, and once I tried to write a fiction novel that opened with a father who worked in the American one, but the story turned into me, because the factory worker was getting fired and went home to kill himself, and I happened to have lately been fired and feeling quite low. The story never took off, and mine never do. I simply can't make things up. They have to be real.
So here, these pictures are real (really boring probably) but I want you to see them and imagine the smell and think about ways that you can conserve paper. Because really the putrid smell is one of trees dying, trees that are the most beautiful, common creations left from God and will not be around forever since human beings are determined to use everything up as quickly as possible.
And as you probably noticed, there the river is frozen and there is snow on the ground! Hello I'm in the coldest place in all of the United States! It's exceptionally warm this year though, not twenty below as it has been some years past, but a mild thirty degrees or so..........which brings me to global warming. Basically the earth will not be around much longer, anyone with a brain and paying attention realizes that. But do you also realize how much of the earth is already gone and dead forever? Once it contained and was home to so many species and plants and animals that have been destroyed and can never come back.
And I think it's interesting, the difference in perspective between the living and the dead. I often think how movies are great because they choose a perspective for us. I can't explain this thought yet, but it's something like this: each person is a microcosm (Mischa's favorite word) of the whole picture. Now, if one person dies, hasn't all of reality died really? Except there are survivors, for whom life and earth etc are still real. The future is real to me, and important, since I am still alive. But if I die, nothing is important anymore. What if the most important people and animals have already lived and died? This world, with it's diminishing forests, growing populations and diseases............this is just residue.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Being your slave
........ four hours or so until I hop the A to the air tram to the terminal to the sky across half the country to a car to the highway seven hours or so in the car, is it really that long? Hopefully I'm exaggerating. Leaving the city, leaving my kitties, work, 33rd street, the subway, the noise, the unseasonably warm weather due to global warming, can I ask one question? Why are we at war in Iraq over weapons of mass destruction meanwhile Iran is openly making them? I'm sure everyone already thought of this question but it seems the biggest problem to me. I'm a little worried about nuclear things, I imagine the skin falling off my body instantly and how it would change and ruin everything forever, it would really be the end like Nostradamus or whomever else has been predicting, but maybe some rats would survive.
........Diners are so cozy, aren't they? There's always something edible on the menu. I have a hard time eating. Mischa and I have devised a system where I eat as quickly as possible and she eats as slowly as possible, otherwise I'll throw my plate away and be hungry again in a couple hours. Also, she is going to make a soup, and I very much look forward to consuming the emotion in every bite. (Oh! remember the movie I mentioned with the young and hot Susan Sarandon and lesbian vampires and David Bowie? It's called The Hunger. I love the blonde who bites Susan because I want to be her, but I don't live in an austere, castle type of home or have a grand piano or gowns but I did have a vision of my future abode with Countess about the dining room in the sanctuary of an unused church and we could have family dinners under the giant dying Jesus, imagine the benevolent atmosphere? Of course a bedroom like that is too obvious, but then again I could probably not eat at all under the looming shadow of severely, physically manifested martyrdom.)
Being your slave, what should I do but tend
Upon the hours and times of your desire?
I have no precious time at all to spend,
Nor services to do, till you require.
Nor dare I chide the world-without-end hour
Whilst I, my sovereign, watch the clock for you,
Nor think the bitterness of absence sour
When you have bid your servant once adieu;
Nor dare I question with my jealous thought
Where you may be, or your affairs suppose,
But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought
Save, where you are how happy you make those.
So true a fool is love that in your will,
Though you do any thing, he thinks no ill.
.........I'm going to miss my hyper little sensi-kitten. but I know she will be a good girl while I'm gone and keep the corset on tightly and only take the leash off for sleeping......and work on the christmas soup........and I will obsess from across the country as much as I can without being antisocial toward my family.
(PS. I have again become addicted to clipping from newspapers and magazines, tiny words and pictures and the saddest articles or the funniest headlines, whatever........I'm going to read and clip now, plus I don't even know why the fucking office is open?? Assholes. I'm receptionist right now and I am trying to convey to each caller both with cold tone of voice, meaningful pauses, and telephatically communicated vibrations, that calling people regarding any business matter on the Friday before the holiday weekend is total bullshit. Only the "little people" like myself are even here. Everyone should just stop calling each other and go home.)
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Nature rarer uses yellow
Fashion, passion, murder...................
This is one of my manly hands. These are the boots to stomp your face. These jeans are way too big or I lost weight. I'm wearing grandma underwear but you can't see them. I'm in the bathroom as usual, hiding from everything non sexual or boring. I'm wondering about M, what the hell she's doing, pondering a few of her theories. I'm very sleepy and a little bit (green) high still. I've been an imperfect worker this week, but there's always this moment perfectly ripe for change. Last night practice was okay. I was exhuasted and increasingly drunk and the boys seemed about to get into a fight over various things that I stayed out of including the fact that I couldn't hear shit because I didn't care I didn't really want to be heard. Or hear myself. But I sounded like Gwen Stef to myself and I don't think that's good but I hoped anyone else hearing might think it was cute if nothing else, and not horrible, but other people in that studio who hear say they like it. I also realized yesterday that it makes total sense that I wouldn't be an exciting performer since I'm very outwardly calm and deadpan as a rule so why would it change in front of bigger numbers of people? Plus the boys are the same way, so maybe it's fine that's just how we are and the intensity just has to come through the music rather than costumes or dances, or whatever gets people's attention. The show. Well, that's enough for now, I want to see what MK just wrote to me.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Lebanon is for lovers
I want to still be in bed. With my little missus, who is the most thorough, most seriously intuitively free-style vegetable and fruit chopper I have ever seen or hope to see. Definitely puts care into every single piece, no two pieces same size or shape, this girl in the kitchen makes your average wife look lazy and bored, and boring.
I love visiting my own blog and seeing the collection of MK pictures growing, it's a good place to see a lot of them all at once. Then MK + Fay is an independent entity unto it's own............I am separate as well as involved..........this satisfies the narcissist. Oh really very satisfying, all around, to love the Great Insatiable.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Epidermal Macabre
Indelicate is he who loathes
The aspect of his fleshy clothes, --
The flying fabric stitched on bone,
The vesture of the skeleton,
The garment neither fur nor hair,
The cloak of evil and despair,
The veil long violated by
Caresses of the hand and eye.
Yet such is my unseemliness:
I hate my epidermal dress,
The savage blood's obscenity,
The rags of my anatomy,
And willingly would I dispense
With false accouterments of sense,
To sleep immodestly, a most
Incarnadine and carnal ghost.
-Theodore Roethke
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
War and Peace
"Why, it's as though I were glad to take advantage of his being alone and despondent! It might be disagreeable or painful for him to see a strange face at this moment of sorrow. Besides, what could I say to him now, when my heart fails me and my mouth feels dry at the mere sight of him? Not one of the innumerable speeches he had addressed to the Tsar in his imagination could he recall now. Those speeches were for the most part framed for quite different conditions: to be spoken pre-eminently at moments of victory and triumph, above all, on his death-bed, as he lay dying of wounds and the Sovereign thanked him for his heroic exploits, while he gave expression as he died to the love he had proved by his conduct."
Bolonsky, close to death on the battle field after being wounded in a heroic act, who dreams and has dreamed only of greatness in war, of immortal prestige earned by bravery, and now contemplating the approach of death, slipping out of consciousness:
"Lord have mercy on me! ... But to whom am I to say that? Is it to the great Power, indefinable, incomprehensible, which I not only cannot turn to but which I cannot even express in words - the great All or Nothing,' said he to himself, 'or is it to that God who has been sewn into this amulet by Marie? Nothing, nothing is certain, except the unimportance of everything within my comprehension and the grandeur of something incomprehensible but all-important."
Friday, December 8, 2006
the flow
PS. Could it be any colder. Brrrr!!!! Scared to go back outside. But I am so glad I'll have the oh so sweet and extremely thin but scorchingly hot, M to the L to the K to keep me warm and if that means her sleeping on top of me like a turtle or something I couldn't be more pleased.
Thursday, December 7, 2006
pic txt 2 luv
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Proof of destiny
Thus said, destiny is the infinite approach, by halves, of the future and the present moment. Does that make sense? Which is to say, the present moment (which is not static but constantly evolving) is the result of the past that includes all the decisions and choices of each person living (on a macro level) and dead (insofar as the results of actions are like dominos and dead people's actions still reverberate although technically they have expired) in addition to natural forces (i.e disaster or nice weather, etc), in short all the factors that have led to present circumstances. Because of said factors, the present reality could not be anything other than what actually is, and this is why radical acceptance is an important exercise for everyone, not just borderlines or other anxious people. And if you accept this fact, you must also concede that the future can only be comprised of the outcome of present decisions, choices, and natural factors. Of course, one wants to insist on the importance of personal choice ... as if things could go one way or the other. The truth is, nobody knows what they will do or say five minutes from the present much less in five years. But the closer the future approaches in relation to the present, the actual range of choices shrinks toward zero. Consider on an individual level, when faced with a decision, a person's capabilities, proclivities, and history all sharpen to a small point and their behavior and method of reasoning are almost shall we say predictable. That doesn't mean one person can't surprise another or even their self, but the outcome is the only possible one, because only one outcome actually follows and is the natural result of the influencing factors as they manifest in the situation.
Any takers? Any questions? Anyone see a flaw in my argument?
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
This shit will fuck you up
Sunday, December 3, 2006
Someone saved me from everything
Well I'm sorry for anything or anyone that depends on my misery for their own happiness, because someone just saved me and I didn't see it coming and from now on all my prayers go thank you thank you thank you. I know life is never pain free but something beautiful just happened and I'm done being bitter and nasty, if ever I was, from now all I only work hard and am a good girl not mean or selfish but trying to take care of this little spark and also keeping it on lock because I must always be in psychological control hehe. or have that illusion anyway.
Friday, December 1, 2006
make out with you in the hospital bed
Okay .... so here's a picture of Mischa and Fay discussing their brand spanking new friendship. Obviously, Mischa is on the left. She's super cute, even when I tell her that I'm not responsible for her feelings. I ask myself, should I just be firm and dom with the borderline? I know I am working with a smart fox. Do you know what "anomie" means? Do you know what "misanthropy" is? Can I have your pills, if you're not going to take them?